- About LNSLearn About the Lancaster AirportThe Lancaster Airport is conveniently located just six miles north of Lancaster City at the intersection of Route 501/Lititz Pike and Airport Road.Need help with a specific topic? Please call our office at:
- Services & AmenitiesLancaster Airport ServicesThe Lancaster Airport has over 20 businesses located on airport property that offer services for pilots, travelers, and the public.Need help with a specific topic? Please call our office at:
- For PilotsGeneral Aviation & Airport InformationAlliance Aviation, central PA’s premier FBO, is ready to assist you with both quick turns and prolonged stays.Need help with a specific topic? Please call our office at:
- At the AirportWelcome to LNSAir travel can be a stressful experience. By using the links below and planning ahead, you can make your visit to the airport a more comfortable and stress-fee experience.Need help with a specific topic? Please call our office at:
- Doing Business with the AirportStorage Options, Prospective Projects, Available Land Leases and CleanfillThe Lancaster Airport offers aircraft and vehicle storage options, posts information on prospective projects and available land leases, and has a cleanfill available for public use.Need help with a specific topic? Please call our office at:
- Flights & AirlinesCommercial AirlinesTraveling to and from LNS has never been easier thanks to agreements with American, United and Alaska Airlines.Need help with a specific topic? Please call our office at:
Flying Clubs
Several Flying Clubs operate at the Lancaster Airport. Below is the list of current clubs and their contact information.

Acorn Flying Club, KLNS
- C172 Skyhawk
- 180HP
- ADS-B Compliant
- IFR Certified
- Bob May
- 717-587-7713
- bob_may@lemsa.com
Currently accepting new members

Chiques Aero Club
- Mooney M20
- IFR Panel
- 180 HP
- Frank Brown
- 717-449-3327
- fbrown711@comcast.net
- chiquesflying
Currently receiving new members.

Lancaster Aero Club
The Lancaster Aero Club was chartered in 1919, making it the oldest continuous club of its kind in the country. Its history is rooted in the great barnstorming era, when after the Armistice thousands of long winged, low bellied JN-4’s were available for as little as $50! The rural skies and cow pastures at that time were full of free-lance and organize “flying circuses” putting on dare-devil shows and hauling passengers.
The Lancaster Aero Club has never owned its own aircraft; it was not conceived as a flying club. Rather, its primary aspect is social — providing a place and time and opportunity for pilots to gather and commune with their common love of the sky. The club’s purpose has not changed since the charter was sealed December 6, 1919.
- The Purpose
“The purpose for which said corporation is formed is the promotion of a social organization or club, composed in whole or in part of persons owning aeronautic inventions for personal or private use, for the development of the science of aeronautics and kindred sciences, and for the encouragement of aerial navigation, conferences, expositions, congresses and contests.”
The club was formed by Dodge, Long, Raub, Steinman, and Brown, Lancaster businessmen for the promotion of a social organization – composed in whole or part of persons owning aeronautical inventions for personal or private use, for the development of the service of aeronautics and kindred services, and for the encouragement of aerial navigation, conferences, expositions, congresses, and contests. Original membership was 25.

More Information
Meetings are held four times a year, traditionally in March, May, August, and November.
We welcome anyone interested in aviation, whether you are a pilot or not!