Aircraft Maintenance
LNS has several FBOs that employ highly skilled and experienced mechanics dedicated to providing top-notch maintenance services. If you’d like to minimize your downtime and maximize your flying time, please feel confident in contacting any of the businesses listed below.

Looking for a trustworthy, reliable, aviation maintenance shop to do your next annual inspection? Send us an email with the following information and we will be in touch
- Name
- Tail Number
- Maintenance needs
- Contact Information (Phone/Email)
- Type of Aircraft

Henry Weber Aircraft Distributors, Inc. is a Mooney Authorized Service Center, a recognized Aerostar Service Facility, and a Lycoming Service Center. We also have extensive knowledge and experience working on single-engine Cessna and Columbia model aircraft as well as Continental Motors engines. In addition to performing routine and preventative maintenance, we specialize in a variety of aircraft services.

Our LNS facility specializes in Cirrus Jet & Piston Aircraft maintenance. Avionics and aircraft detailing services are also available. With flyADVANCED Jet service centers, you should expect only the best.
- FAA Part 145 Certified Repair Station
- Platinum Cirrus Service Center
- Cirrus SF50 Service Center
- Williams Service Center
- Diamond Service Center
- Piston and Turbine Aircraft Maintenance

As aircraft enthusiasts, we know there’s more to aircraft than getting to fly. We also know that you want to have the best maintenance performed on your aircraft. We’ve got you covered.
- Flight Design - LS and SW
- Evektor - Sportstar / Harmony
- BRM Aero Bristel
- Aero AT - Gobosh
- Piper Sport Cruiser
- Remos Aircraft
- Vans Aircraft
- Tecnam
- Pipstrel
- Sling
- Rans Aircraft
- Aeroprakt